11 Yoga Postures and Exercises Kids Will Love

Lion’s Breath
  • Keeps tonsils and throat healthy
  • Builds a strong voice
  • Gives confidence in speaking and singing
  • Relieves tension
  • Kneel on the floor and sit back on your heels
  • Place your hands on your thighs
  • Inhale through your nose
  • As you exhale, open your mouth as wide as you can, stick out your
  • tongue and let out a long, fierce roar, “aaaaggghhhh.”
  • Be careful not to strain your voice
  • Repeat 3-4 times
Cat Flexes
  • Improves flexibility of the spine
  • Loosens up the neck and shoulders
  • Teaches how to coordinate breath with movement
  • Start on all fours (shoulders over wrists, hips over knees)
  • Exhale, drop your head and tailbone as you round your back
  • Inhale, drop your belly towards the floor and pull your shoulders back to open your chest
  • Repeat 4-6 times
  • Kid Variation: as you exhale, try meowing like a cat
Down Dog/Walk the Dog
  • Develops arm strengt
  • Improves hamstring and ankle flexibility
  • Stretches the back
  • Start on all fours (shoulders over wrists and hips over knees)
  • Curl your toes under
  • Inhale, press your hips back and up as high as you can, so your body forms a triangle
  • Exhale, pushing your heels down toward the floor
  • Stay here for 3-4 breaths
  • Walk the Dog: Lift one leg at a time
  • Kid Variation: on each exhalation say “woof” like a dog
Swamp Monster
  • Stretches low back
  • Stretches hamstrings
  • Develops coordination and balance
  • Improves energy
  • Stand with feet hip distance apart and fold forward
  • Place hands around your feet
  • Keep your hands under your toes as you begin walking forward
  • Walk about 10 feet forward, then 10 feet backwards
Frog Jump
  • Increases strength in the legs
  • Improves hip flexibility
  • Energizes the body
  • Stand with feet a little wider than hip width apart, feet turned out slightly
  • Squat down, bringing your hands to the floor between your feet
  • Imagine you are a frog in a pond
  • Exhale, pushing your heels down toward the floor
  • Inhale through your nose
  • As you exhale, say “ribbit” and jump into the air
  • Come back down into your squat and repeat 4-6 times