Yoga Business Success Program
Our online program offers a certificate of completion, as well as 20 hours of continuing education credits with Yoga Alliance for current yoga teachers. Completing both the online and in-person programs fulfills the requirements for the Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT) with Yoga Alliance.
Interested in our more advanced In-Person Prenatal Teacher Training? Learn more about the in-person program to and how to earn the full RPYT with Yoga Alliance and to take your prenatal yoga training to the next level.
Although this program is designed specifically for those in the field of yoga teaching, you will also find it extremely helpful if you work in a similar field (i.e. dance teacher, personal trainer, fitness instructor)

Most yoga teacher training programs will help you develop your teaching skills, but never mention a word about how to run a profitable and rewarding yoga business.
After creating multiple successful yoga businesses and learning through trial and error what works and what does not work, I decided to put together all the secrets I’ve learned, so that others can make a good living doing what they love. I know that if it worked for me, it will work for you. It’s unfortunate that many excellent yoga teachers don’t know how to market their services properly. Instead of a happy and rewarding career teaching yoga, they struggle to make ends meet. You don’t have to do this. This program will teach you how to the essentials of running your own yoga business, how to avoid costly mistakes, as well as creative marketing methods that have the best return on investment.When I completed my own teacher training many years ago, I had the great opportunity to learn from two different yoga masters who each had nearly forty years of yoga teaching experience. They were both wonderful mentors and had such a vast understanding of the history and philosophy of yoga, as well as extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology and the effects of yoga on the mind and body. By the time I had completed my training, I fully understood the benefits of yoga and how to bring those benefits to my students. Unfortunately, I did not understand the business aspects of developing a yoga career. I didn’t understand how to make a living from teaching yoga and, for some time, treated it as some type of volunteer work. I loved teaching yoga, but didn’t see that I would be able to make a prosperous career out of it.
However, after a while I noticed something that really surprised me. I noticed that some of the most experienced and wonderful teachers I met were struggling to make ends meet, while other teachers, who were good teachers, but no better than any other good teacher, had large followings and were making a good living from their yoga teaching. I began to wonder what would cause the difference. On the outside, two teachers in yoga teacher training business could appear quite similar – about the same teaching experience, similar teaching style and comparable knowledge of yoga. So, why did these similar teachers have such different results? I have joined their yoga teacher training program and what I learned surprised me. As I began to apply what I learned, my yoga teaching business began to take off. I hadn’t changed my teaching style or my commitment to my students, but I had changed my approach to the business aspects of my yoga teaching and it made all the difference. I am now so happy that I had the chance to learn these ideas and apply them to my business. I now make a good living, doing what I love, and if I can do it, I know you can.
Just how valuable is this program?
In the Yoga Business Success Program, you receive the following:
- The mindset for success.
We’ll show you a step by step guaranteed way to develop the mindset you need to create and maintain lasting financial success.
- Marketing for massive results
We’ll teach you how to generate free publicity and create a name for yourself, so people specifically look for your services and seek out your work.
- Finding Your Niche
We’ll give you a step by step formula for finding a profitable niche in the yoga business that is rewarding and right for you.
- Getting Free Publicity
We’ll teach you how to generate free publicity and create a name for yourself or your business, so people specifically look for your services and seek out your work.
- Working smarter (not harder) for greater results
You’ll learn how to work smarter and how to put your energies into the activities that provide you with the greatest return. You’ll learn how to have a successful (not stressful) business.
- Business essentials
You’ll learn the basics of how to structure your business, where to go for liability insurance, creating systems for your business, and much more.
- Strategic partnerships
You’ll learn how to develop profitable and meaningful relationships with complementary businesses (i.e. massage therapists, personal trainers, nutritionists, chiropractors, etc.) that benefit you both. You’ll also learn how to get massive numbers of referrals from your current students.
- Starting a business on the cheap
You’ll learn how to start a profitable yoga teaching business with little or no start-up money.
- Setting and Achieving Goals
You’ll learn how to set and achieve SMART goals in relation to your yoga business.
- Business Resources
You’ll receive tons of references and resources that will further help you as you establish and grow your business.
Along with all these things, you also receive
Eight weeks of coaching and assignment feedback from the Yoga Education Institute.
We’ll provide you with feedback to any of the business development assignments you complete, as well as unlimited email support. Nancy usually charges $100 per hour for a private consult or lesson, so even if you only consult with us a few times, you will be saving a lot of money. However, as a client in our Yoga Business Success Program, you have unlimited access to Nancy and to and all the resources of the Yoga Education Institute. We want to hear from you whenever needed because we want you to become a successful yoga professional.
The freedom to learn from home
Continuing Education Credit
How much will this program cost?
If your business success is not worth even $59, then no one can really help you find the success you desire.
These are just a few of the many benefits for pregnant women when they learn yoga from you.
Order the Yoga Business Success Program Now for only $59.
So, let’s recap what you’ll be getting when you take advantage of this offer today.
- Exceptional training in planning and growing your yoga teaching business
- Marketing secrets to bring in more clients without spending lots of money
- Detailed instructions on how to plan and achieve your business goals
- Our step by step process to help you develop the mindset necessary for your on-going business success
- Free unlimited support and feedback from the Yoga Education Institute
- Information on recommended resources and readings
- Continuing education credit available for Yoga Alliance
- Access to our yoga community of teachers and free newsletters with helpful tips on developing a successful yoga business
- Unlimited access to any updates or additions to the program at any time in the future
- And much more..
When you order the Yoga Education Institute’s Yoga Business Success Program, you will also receive our iron clad money back guarantee.
If you do not increase your yoga teaching revenue by at least 50% or are not completely satisfied that the Yoga Education Institute’s Yoga Business Success Program offers you absolutely everything you need to start, run and grow your own profitable yoga practice, simply email us for a full refund. No questions, no hard feelings, and you still get to keep all downloaded materials (worth $339) as our way of saying thank you for trying us out.
I’m so confident that this yoga business program will teach you everything you need to know to start, run and grow your own successful yoga practice, that I insist you send me an email if you don’t think the program is right for you.
How much will this program cost?
Order The Yoga Business Success Program Now Only $59.
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Still not sure?
Order Only the Yoga Business E-book Now Only $17.
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If you have any questions about your order, please email us.